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o blonda si o bruneta se plimba cu masina. la un moment dat bruneta, care era la volan, trage peDescoperire O blonda si o bruneta se plimba cu masina. La un moment dat bruneta, care era la volan, trage pe dreapta. -Ce faci, draga, de ce opresti? -Am ramas fara benzina. -Vai, ce desteapta esti! Eu n-as fi stiut si as fi mers mai departe! semnificatie I: Ce inseamna o suvita neagra in parul unei blonde? R: O speranta! incredibil din partea unei blonde O blonda, avand dificultati financiare, a hotarat sa rapeasca un copil pentru a incerca sa obtina o anumita suma de bani din rascumparare. A mers intr-un parc, a ademenit un copil in spatele unui copac si a scris urmatorul bilet: "V-am rapit copilul! Imi pare rau ca am fost nevoita sa fac asta, dar am mare nevoie de bani. Lasati 10.000 de dolari intr-o punga de plastic, in spatele primului pom de pe aleea principala, maine dimineata la ora 7." Semnat: "Blonda". A prins biletul cu un ac de ... blonda versus blonda O blonda...inota in nisip in mijlocul desertului. Vine o alta blonda intr-un jeep si, deschide geamul si tipa la ea: - Ce faci fata proasto acolo, inoti, in nisip?!? Si te mai miri ca zice lumea ca blondele sunt proaste! Ai mare noroc ca nu am o barca, as veni la tine si te-as lua la bataie!! dilema unor blonde Doua blonde pe marginea unui rau: -Auzi tu!?..Cum ajung pe partea cealalta? -Ce proasta esti!!! Pai ESTI pe partea cealalta distractie O curva bruneta statea pe marginea drumului si tot zicea: - 66, 66. Vine o curva blonda si o antreaba ce face. Bruneta ai zice sa incerce si ea. Se pune blonda si zice si ea: - 66, 66. Bruneta: - E mai distractiv daca te pui an mijlocul drumului. Blonda se pune an mijlocul drumului si vine o masina si o calca. Bruneta: - 67, 67, 67. cam ciudat O blonda antreaba un tip pe strada: - Nu va suparati, cat e ceasul? - 12.15, raspunde tipul. - Hmmm, bizar, zice blonda, e a treia oara cand antreb azi chestia asta si de fiecare data mi se raspunde altceva. salutul O blonda si o bruneta mergeau pe strada... Bruneta al vede pe partea cealalta pe Gigel: - Ia uite-l pe Gigel... nu-i faci cu mana? - Sa-si faca singur ! logica O bruneta, o blonda si o roscata asteptau sa nasca. Bruneta spune: - Eu voi avea mai mult ca sigur un baiat pentru ca atunci cand am conceput copilul am facut-o stand sub barbatul meu... Roscata: - Eu cred ca voi avea o fata pentru ca am stat deasupra. Blonda: - Of, Dumnezeule, o sa nasc un catelus... A....4 o blonda se plimba cu o foaie de hartie in era tare mandra. s intalneste cu o prietena si aceasta o intreaba.....Ce faci draga? bine ...uite mi-am luat A 4... ....doar 5$ Intr-un avion, un avocat nimereste langa o blonda mishto. Bla, bla, tot incerca sa intre in vorba cu ea... nimic. Blonda se uita pe geam, mai incerca sa doarma... Avocatul, enervat: - Uite, hai sa jucam un joc mishto! Eu iti pun tie o intrebare si daca nu stii imi dai 5$, apoi imi pui tu mie o intrebare si daca nu stiu iti dau 5 $! Si tot asa... ?? - Nu domnule, imi pare rau, sunt obosita, as prefera sa ma odihnesc... Avocatul enervandu-se si mai tare: -Bine, uite, jucam alt joc! Eu iti pun tie ... trei blonde Trei blonde au mers in vacanta la un hotel care avea cateva camere unde se aflau barbati "disponibili". Pe fiecare usa scria nationalitatea si lungimea... Merg blondele la prima usa: francez, 25cm. Se bucura blondele dar se trezeste una si propune sa mearga mai departe. La usa urmatoare: rus, 32cm. Blondele erau in extaz dar zice una : Mai mergem la o usa si daca nu e ceva mai bun ne intoarcem. Pe urmatoarea usa scria: roman, 8cm. Rad blondele si se hotarasc sa-si bata joc de el. Intra prima si iese de acolo jumulita si vai de ea. A doua si atreia la fel. La care ultima care a iesit: - Prostu' asta de roman a scris grosimea ! banc inventat de blonde United Airlines anulase unul din principalele zboruri ale zilei. Functionara companiei, o blonda sexy, statea tacticoasa dupa tejghea si reprograma pasagerii pentru urmatoarele zboruri.Se formase o coada lunga la ghiseul ei.Dintr-o data apare un tip elegant, dar cam uratel, care o ia inaintea tuturor imbrancindu-i. Tranteste biletul pe tejghea si spune:"Trebuie sa iau zborul urmator, urgent!!!Si vreau numai la clasa intai!!" Calma, blonda spune:"Domnul meu, sunt multi altii inaintea dvs,faceti ... blonda merge o blonda prin cimitir. un tip o vede si vrea sa o sperie. se pune dupa un mormant, sare in fata iei strigand: bau, sunt dracula! blonda linitita merge mai departe. tipul se pune dupa alt mormant si striga in gura mare: bau, sunt dracula te mananc. blonda din nou merge mai departe. ce sa fak asta so o sperie? se pune dupa un alt mormant si striga kt poate el de tare: bau, sunt dracula in persoana! blonda cu nervi la pamant ai zice: auzi ma, si io is curva, da nu strig in gura mare. :) blonda = galben O blonda coboara intr-o dimineatza din scara blocului in care locuia cand ajunsa la masina: Oroare mare ( masina lovita ) Incepe blonda a injura si a plange pe nenorocitul care i-a indoit masina, cand un trecator bine intentionat o vede suparata si blonda si ii ofera un sfat: - Lasati domnisoara ca nu e grav, se face ca si noua daca suflati in tzeava de esapament ! Blonda blonda fiind se pune pe suflat. Si sufla cam de vreo 15 minute cand prietena ei tot blonda o vede pe geam si o intreaba ... Povestiri ale rechinilor Doi rechini in mijlocul oceanului povesteau pataniile lor de cand nu s-au mai vazut. Primul: Fratele meu .. am dat peste o pluta cu negri, am dat o data cu coada, am spart pluta .. i-am mancat pe toti .. insa mi-a ramas niste par cret printre dinti pe aici .. vezi? .. ma cam enerveaza ... Al doilea: Sa vezi frate .. mergeam in spatele unui vapor de croaziera la motoare acolo jacuzzi ... curenti de apa calda, rece ... super frumos .. deodata cade o blonda ... HAP .. o inghit si sa vezi frate .. de trei luni de zile nu mai pot sa ma scufund de cate aere avea aia in cap!!!

muzica anilor '90 (update aproape zilnic)
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it's a good bet that the movie the lord of the rings: the return of the king is going to be prettyIt's a good bet that the forthcoming movie The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is going to be pretty good. Peter Jackson's cinematic trilogy, based on J.R.R. Tolkien's seminal series of fantasy novels, is, by all accounts, a huge success, and since the three films were shot back to back to back, we can expect the same kinds of dramatic performances, wondrous scenery, and sheer excitement from the final chapter of this saga that we saw in The Fellowship of the Ring and last year's The Two Towers. This movie series is uncommonly good, which is certainly, in part, why Electronic Arts, the company that nabbed the rights to produce games based on these films, is going all-out for its game adaptations. The new Return of the King game follows closely in the footsteps of last year's hack-and-slash action game, The Two Towers, but picks up at the fever pitch where The Two Towers left off and is considerably better overall. It's still a relatively simple and short action game at heart, but a solid combat system, some extremely intense and cinematic levels, cool extras that fans of the movies will enjoy, and the option to play cooperatively with a friend all add up to make The Return of the King deserving of its name. Cd 1: Cd 2: Cd 3: Parola este in fisier
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in timp ce ambele mari companii de procesoare se lupta sa integreze grafice in produsele proprii (In timp ce ambele mari companii producatoare de procesoare se lupta sa integreze capabilitati grafice in produsele proprii ( de exemplu Intel Larabee ), Microsoft le-au luat-o inainte si au anuntat o tehnologie ce va fi integrata in Windows 7 si care va permite accelerare grafica fara a fi nevoie de vreo placa video. Tehnologia denumita “WARP” va permite randarea graficii chiar si in cazul in care placa video integrata in sistem are probleme – in acel moment sarcinile grafice sunt preluate de procesor. WARP suporta instructiuni Direct 3D10, 10.1 si chiar Direct3D11, si in acelasi timp mai este suportat si MSAA pana la 8X, plus Anisotropic Filtering. Configuratia minima necesara pentru WARP sa functioneze este un procesor de 800MHz si 512 MB de memorie RAM identica de altfel cu configuratia minima solicitata de WIndows Vista. Interesant este ca tehnologia WARP este mai performanta decat orice solutie grafica integrata de la Intel, obtinand 5.69FPS-uri in Crysis, fata de Intel care a obtinut 5.17FPS. Sursa: DailyTech
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RELEASE NOTES: Design base on Original Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 - VL (x86) - CD (English) Date Posted (UTC):5/2/2008 12:05:18 AM Windows XP Professional with SP3 VL English FILE: en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86 _cd_vl_x14-73974.iso Size: 589.14 MB MD5: 5BF476E2FC445B8D06B3C2A6091FE3AA SHA1: 66ac289ae27724c5ae17139227cbe78c01eefe40 ISO/CRC: FFFFFFFF Drivers Intergated: +Sata/Raid drivers intergated so supported newest Laptop/Desktop +Intel ICH7R/M, ICH8R/M, ICH9R/M or ICH10R/D S-ATA AHCI and RAID Controllers +nForce2/3/4 SataRAID and PataRAID systems Warez Intergated: Windows Media Player 11 Internet Explorer 7 Windows Vista bootscreen Intergated all Windows hotfixs&update up to February 02, 2009 KB281981 - Disconnected sessions retain the original variable KB887606 - FIX: The Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) uses cached credentials incorrectly KB889320 v2 - When you disable the Windows Firewall service on your Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer, the Computer Browser service stops after five minutes and Event ID 7023 is logged in the Event Viewer KB898461 - Software update 898461 installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version KB909520 v1 - Description of the software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider KB915800 v4 - A hotfix is available for Windows Desktop Search document IFilters in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 KB917275 - How to obtain Windows Rights Management Services with Service Pack 2 KB922120 v6 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP KB927436 v2 - Error message when you attach a device that loads the Serscan.sys driver to a computer that is running Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, or Windows Server 2003: "DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION (c9)" KB932521 - A Windows XP-based client computer uses an archived certificate for network authentication after a new certificate is auto-enrolled in a wireless Active Directory domain KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when you create many files on an NTFS partition on a Windows Server 2003-based or Windows XP-based computer KB932716 v2 - Description of the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007 KB934401 - When you run the "Ipconfig /displaydns" command in Windows Server 2003, the results are incomplete KB938759 - You cannot distribute or install a software package in Windows Server 2003 if the software package contains a very large signed file KB940648 - Error message when you try to open the My Documents folder on a Windows XP-based computer after you resume the computer from hibernation: "You might not have permission to use this network resource" KB942288 v3 - Windows Installer 4.5 is available KB943232 v2 - An application that uses the Sxs.dll file crashes when you run the application on a Windows XP SP 2-based computer KB943729 - Information about new Group Policy preferences in Windows Server 2008 KB944043 v3 - Description of the Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack for Windows Server 2003 clients and for Windows XP clients KB945060 v3 - There may be inconsistencies in the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) and Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) values for an image file in Windows Vista and in Windows XP KB945436 - Error message when you try to uninstall or unload the driver for a multifunction USB device on a Windows XP-based computer: "STOP: 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" KB946648 - MS08-050: Description of the update for Windows Messenger 4.7 for Windows XP: August 12, 2008 KB947460 v3 - Error message when you try to open a mapped DFS folder after the computer comes out of standby in Windows XP Service Pack 2: ":\ is not accessible" KB948101 v3 - A USB keyboard does not work after you restart a Windows XP-based computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard installed KB948277 - A blank desktop may appear when you log on to a Windows XP-based computer KB948720 - You cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files KB948877 v2 - After you copy multiple files from a computer that is running Windows XP to a PCMCIA SRAM card, one or more files on the card are corrupted KB949033 - You may experience severe video degradation and a Stop error when you connect a USB Webcam to a Windows XP-based computer KB949127 v2 - You cannot establish a wireless connection by using EAP authentication on a Windows XP-based client computer if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after you resume a Windows XP-based computer from hibernation (S4) KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process on a Windows XP-based computer KB950234 - Error message when you try to open a shared file in Windows Explorer on a Windows XP-based computer: " is not accessible. Access is denied" KB950312 - Error message when you try to start a console-based application, such as Cmd.exe, on a Windows XP-based computer: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)" KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding when you run the audio application on a computer that is running Windows XP KB950760 - MS08-032: Critical security update of ActiveX kill bits KB950762 - MS08-036: Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service KB950820 - The system stops responding during the logoff, shutdown, or restart process on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and that has the Japanese IME installed KB950974 - MS08-049: Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution KB950982 - A list of ODBC system DSNs is truncated when the total number of characters that are used in all the DSN names is more than 7,500 on a Windows XP-based computer KB951066 - MS08-048: Security update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail KB951163 - When you try to use the MSTSC command from Terminal Services Client 6.0 to connect to the local Windows XP-based computer, a black screen may appear for several minutes KB951312 - When you run an application that uses a timer queue on a Windows XP-based computer, the application may stop responding KB951347 - A memory leak occurs when you use the IFaxIncomingMessageIterator interface to query incoming fax messages on a fax server that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP KB951376 v2 - MS08-030: Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution KB951531 v2 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003-based computer after the W32Time service stops KB951618 v2 - A black screen issue occurs on a Windows Vista-based computer or a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed when you upgrade the operating system KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications when Windows XP Service Pack 2 starts KB951698 - MS08-033: Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code execution KB951709 - Event ID 26 when you attach two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices on a Windows XP-based computer KB951822 v2 - You receive an error message, the print operation fails, or partial pages are printed when you try to print to a Citizen printer or to an Alps printer in Windows XP Service Pack 3 KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when you run VBScript or JScript scripts in Windows Vista Service Pack 1, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows XP Service Pack 3 KB952117 v2 - When you try to put a Windows XP-based computer into hibernation or into standby, the computer stops responding KB952206 - A printer-driver upgrade operation fails on printer clients that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP when multiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time KB952909 v2 - When you try to print a document to a PostScript printer in an application, the application exits unexpectedly, or you find that an invalid PDF file is created from the incorrect data in the PostScript file KB952954 - MS08-046: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly in Windows XP when you use an application that uses the RichEdit control KB953028 - On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, an application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors KB953155 - MS08-062: Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution KB953609 - Error message when you try to add a wireless network to a Windows XP-based computer that has hotfix 917021 applied: "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" KB953760 - When you enable SSO for a terminal server from a Windows XP SP3-based client computer, you are still prompted for user credentials when you log on to the terminal server KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized on a Windows XP SP3-based client computer when the DHCP server offer includes option 43 KB953930 - The Fc.exe command does not work correctly on a Windows XP-based computer when the two files that you are comparing have the TAB or SPACE character around the 128th byte in a string of characters KB954193 - Description of the Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package for Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2, Windows Vista, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows Server 2008: July 2, 2008 KB954232 - The On-Screen Keyboard behavior on a Windows XP-based computer does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios KB954430 - MS08-069: Description of the security update for XML Core Services 4.0: November 11, 2008 KB954434 - A multiprocessor computer that is running a Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista stops responding on a black screen after you resume the computer from hibernation KB954600 - MS08-076: Description of the security update for Windows Media Player 6.4: December 9, 2008 KB954708 - An update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component KB954879 - The LSASS.exe process crashes and the computer restarts when you try to start the Network Access Protection Agent service on a Windows XP Service Pack 3 -based client computer KB954920 v2 - When an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations, you may receive an "MSG 40242" or "MSG 40205" error when the ODBC driver for SQL Server is used or an "MSG 40234" error when the SQL OLE DB provider is used KB955043 v2 - A memory leak may occur when you run an application that uses the DHTML Edit control on a Windows XP-based computer KB955069 - MS08-069: Description of the security update for XML Core Services 3.0: November 11, 2008 KB955109 - Error message when you run an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component on a computer that is running Windows XP SP2 or Windows XP SP3: “0xC0000005 (Access Violation)” KB955356 - When you try to start a Windows XP SP3-based computer that is connected to an external IEEE 1394 hard disk, the system may stop responding before the logon screen appears KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France) on a Microsoft Windows-based computer KB955567 - Memory usage gradually increases in the AntigenInternet.exe process, and e-mail messages remain in the SMTP outgoing-mail queues in Antigen 9.0 for Exchange with Service Pack 1 KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server KB955832 v2 - An SSL connection may fail when you use Internet Explorer to make an SSL connection to an HTTPS Web site that is certified by a Digital Signature Standards (DSS) certificate on a Windows XP-based computer KB955839 - December 2008 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems KB955843 v4 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class does not return the value of the PATH environment variable if the variable consists of more than 1,024 characters on a Windows XP-based computer KB956072 - Windows XP-based terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low KB956391 - Microsoft Security Advisory: Cumulative security update for ActiveX KB956588 - The job-level PrintTicket is associated with the document-level PrintTicket and with the page-level PrintTicket when you print a document to an XPS driver on a Windows XP-based computer KB956625 - After you run Internet Explorer 7 for a long time on a computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, Internet Explorer becomes unstable or crashes KB956807 - The Unicode hyphen character (U+2010) is not drawn when you use an application that uses GDI+ API functions in Windows Server 2008, in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2003, and in Windows XP KB956841 - MS08-064: Vulnerability in Virtual Address Descriptor manipulation could allow elevation of privilege KB957218 - A user name that contains Unicode characters is not handled correctly in Windows XP Service Pack 3 during the EAP authentication KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved on a Windows XP-based computer KB957264 - Error message when you try to run an application that you developed by using the "return quickly" feature of the Windows COM port driver: "Error reading comm device" KB957495 - The action controls in Sound Recorder are missing or only partly visible if you set the font size to Large or to Extra Large in a non-English version of Windows XP KB957502 - Error message when you try to open some MMC 3.0 snap-ins in a localized version of Windows XP Service Pack 3: "MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly." KB957808 - After you start or stop the Network Access Protection Agent service on a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based client computer, the value of the IKEFlags registry entry may change KB958149 - Performance decreases when you stream isochronous data on a Windows-based computer that has a Texas Instruments (TI) IEEE 1394 host controller installed KB958071 - You receive error code 1206 when you run an application that uses the WLanSetProfile function on a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based compu KB958106 - Some components of an application may not be displayed correctly in a Terminal Services session if you connect to a terminal server by using RDC 6.1 from a client computer that is running Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows Server 2008 KB958200 - The Defrag.exe tool stops responding when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a Windows XP-based computer KB958244 - The system may stop responding when you restart a Windows XP-based multicore computer KB958282 v2 - Stop error message when an application calls the NtGdiRectInRegion function on a Windows XP-based computer: "Stop 0x00000050" KB958347 - After you hot unplug a device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub on a Windows XP-based computer, the device is still present in the system KB958644 - MS08-067: Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution KB958655 v2 - Error message when you use Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 to install multiple MSI packages in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP: "API call rejected - No actions in Context" KB958687 - MS09-001: Vulnerabilities in SMB could allow remote code execution KB958752 - The version of AFD.SYS that is released together with security update 956189 (MS08-037) and security update 956803 (MS08-066) has an application compatibility issue KB958817 - The Automatic Update window may stop responding when you use a WSUS server to deploy Windows Internet Explorer 7 and cumulative security update 944533 on a Windows XP-based client computer KB959237 - FIX: Internet Explorer may crash when you browse a Web page that constantly fetches a recordset asynchronously and filters the recordset at the same time from an instance of SQL Server KB959267 - After you repeatedly dock and undock a Windows XP-based portable computer that is connected to a docking station, you may be unable to change the state of an attached network device KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font is set to Arial Black and the font style is set to talic when you open the document on a computer that is running Windows XP KB959439 - After you upload encrypted files from a Windows XP-based computer to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards that are plugged into a computer that runs Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008 KB959554 - Only the header and footer information in an XPS document are printed when you print the document on a computer that is running Windows XP, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows Server 2008 KB959682 - FIX: A Message Queuing 3.0 message is rejected on the receiver when you send the message by using an external certificate from a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer KB959873 - You cannot send Start TLS requests from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition to a server that is running OpenLDAP Software KB960071 v2 - An access violation occurs when you use an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP KB960139 - After a Windows XP-based multiprocessor computer or multicore processor computer resumes from Sleep mode, you may be unable to shut down or restart the computer if a smart card is left in the smart card reader KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0 on a Windows XP-based or Windows Vista-based computer KB960417 - When you run an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function in certain Windows installations, the application performance is very poor KB960680 v2 - A hotfix is available to update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro currency symbol (€) and to update the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Trk Lirasi (YTL) to Trk Lirasi (TL) KB960763 - Severe system performance problems occur on a Windows Vista or Windows XP-based computer after you install HP printer software, version 11 Internet Explorer 7 update: KB889333-IE7 - Print queue shows incorrect number of pages when you print a Web page in Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7 KB928090-IE7 - MS07-016: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (corpol.dll) KB935560-IE7 - When you use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to a terminal server, PNG images do not appear in Internet Explorer 7 during that RDP session KB938127-IE7 - MS07-050: Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language could allow remote code execution KB958215-IE7 - MS08-073: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer KB960714-IE7 - MS08-078: Security update for Internet Explorer Windows Media Player 11, update: KB928788 - FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may not work correctly when you use the Media Sharing feature to stream Windows Media format video content across a home network KB929399 - You repeatedly receive a message to install update 929399 on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows XP KB929773 - FIX: You hear an unexpected noise or a problem in the audio playback when you play back a Windows Media Audio (WMA) file on certain hardware devices KB932390 - FIX: The encoder cannot use the Windows Media Audio 9 Voice codec after you install Windows Media Player 11 on a computer that uses Windows Media Encoder 9 Series KB933547 - FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may crash if you plug in certain flash memory devices while you use Windows Media Player in Windows XP KB935551 - FIX: Device connection is disconnected when you synchronize lots of files between Windows Media Player 11 and a Windows Mobile device KB935552 - FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may stop responding when you transfer media to a device that uses the Media Transfer Protocol and then you cancel the transfer process KB939209 - FIX: When you use an application to play DRM-protected video content in Windows XP, the application may fail KB939683 - FIX: Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP KB941569 - MS07-068: Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution KB944882 - FIX: The memory for an application increases for each file that you transfer when you transfer media from a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows XP to a portable device KB952069-v2 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (959807) KB954067 - FIX: You see lower quality video when you use Windows Media Encoder 9 Series or a similar Windows Media Format SDK-based encoder to encode a video KB954154 - MS08-054: Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution KB959199 - FIX: Windows Media Player seems to crash when you click an Outlook 2007 link to a local file or a UNC path Update : DirectX for WinXP Post-SP3 February Update (including DirectX for Managed Code for .NET 1.x - only if integrated along with Onepiece .NET 1.1 True Addon) Microsoft & Windows Update v7.2.6001.788 Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.0.6000.569 (KB892130) Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.8.31.9/(KB905474) Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.8.31.9 (KB890830) Malware Removal Tool v2.6 Windows Search 4.0 (KB940157 & KB961184) Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2 (KB955305) Microsoft Silverlight v2.0.31005 Adobe Flash Player v10.0.12.36 (KB931125) Root Certificate Update - January 2009 QFEcheck v6.2.29.0 (KB873374) GDI+ Detection Tool Code:

muzika buna


imdb:  against the dark 2009 dvdscr Download: or: IMDB:
the naughty                                                                12/20/2008The Naughty Cheerleaders Club -:::::::::- -:: :::- RELEASEDATE: 12/20/2008 PROD STUDIO: New Sensations DVD RELEASE: 12/13/2008 GENRE : All Sex FORMAT : XviD VIDEO : 1525kbps 29.970 fps RUNTIME : 2hrs 00mins RESOLUTiON : 608*352 Cast: Ashlynn Brooke, Sadie West, Dani Jensen, Cassandra Calogera, Alexis Texas, Tony de Sergio, Johnny Castle, Anthony Rosano, Alex Gonz, Rocco Reed (torrent)

windows xp sp2 student integrated with latest sata using this cd key version of windows xp pro willWindows XP SP2 Student Professional Integrated With latest SATA Drivers(DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_804.7z) Install using this CD Key : V2C47-MK7JD-3R89F-D2KXW-VPK3J This version of Windows XP Pro will not ask you to activate. It is a copy used in many colleges to teach students the installtion process of Windows XP. It is, however, a full version of XP, and it has all the extras Windows XP is known to have. This release will also allow you to log on to and use Windows Update with no problem. The CD is expected to be copied multiple times. I hope you all enjoy this release and hopefully its the last release you will ever have to download. To Use: Burn the image using NERO. CD is bootable. Install as you would an original CD.
01 personal & neko cu exo - o lu-k cu alina si bulgaru' - regrete
03 mecena - joc in 2
04 dagga -01 Personal & Neko cu eXo - O oarecare 02 Lu-K cu Alina si Bulgaru' - Regrete 03 Mecena - Joc in 2 04 Dagga - Ochi umezi 05 Bogdan Ioan cu Sofia Ioan & Kreu-Z - Fiecare zi 06 Cartier cu Mona & Gabi Pecheanu - Aceleasi sentimente 07 Criss Blaziny - Vanilie si ciocolata 08 Maximilian cu Angeles - Dragoste nebuna 09 ND cu Flow - Daca ai fi a mea 10 Rappy cu Cumicu - Decat cu tine 11 Teasta cu Laura - Langa tine 12 USM - O relatie frumoasa 13 Bogdan Ioan cu God's Child - Simply because of you 14 Barac - Ea e fata mea 15 Arssura cu Adela - Prea tarziu 16 Nane - Doar o sansa 17 Pactu' cu Roger & Julia - 10 18 Razzu - Iarta-ma 19 Tru - Stii prea bine 20 DaOne cu Karina - Tu esti inima mea 21 Maximilian cu JJ & Villy - Pe langa telefon 22 Mecena cu RimmeR - Sunt yo 23 Cosy cu Mona - Doar eu si cu tine 24 Cartier - Voi astepta 25 Blat Jargon cu Silvio, Nico si Puya - Sa-mi porti numele 26 Personal cu Ada - Noi 2 27 Dutza cu Vrak - Oare tu sti 28 Bitza cu Loredana - Lasa-ma sa-ti arat 29 Sonia - Doar un vis 30 Vrak cu Kaye Owe & Marco - In locul meu 31 Maximilian cu Hudinu - Baieti rai, fete cuminti 32 Bogdan Ioan cu Lucian B. - Fallin' in love 33 Aaron cu Melanie - Ingerul meu 34 USM - Cum te taie pe tine 35 Kydutz - N-am putut 36 Floppy cu Flavius - Atinge-ma, sau te ating eu 37 Criss Blaziny cu Alexia - Barbie 38 Arssura cu Cabron & Litera - Ultimul cadou 39 Bogdan Dima cu Moni-K - Chiar daca sunt momente 40 The One cu Sonia - Alegerea ta 41 Razzu - Inca il mai iubesti 42 Ilogic cu Anca - As putea fi eu 43 Nivelu' Unu' cu Scooby - N-ai inteles 44 DaOne cu Ewa - Cat de mult raneste dragostea 45 Reikko cu George I - Amintiri 46 K-Nnabis cu Tonik Obiektiv & Adela - Ingerul meu 47 Fab cu Pepitta - caz ca nu stiai 48 Pactu' - Impreuna 49 Dudah cu Chriss - Sentimente 50 Nane - Ai un om
 problema e ca pt. a downloada si a viziona canale cu ajutorul acestui soft, trebuie unDOWNLOAD: Principala problema e ca pt. a downloada si a viziona canale cu ajutorul acestui soft, trebuie inregistrat un cont, care dupa spusele creatorilor functioneaza numai in Elvetia.Insa,am aflat ca prin ajutorul unui proxy de Elvetia sau Olanda problema se poate rezolva.Pt. crearea contului este nevoie de un request, timpul de asteptare fiind in jur de 48 de ore (in mod normal), insa exista posibilitatea de refuzare a contului, deci...daca nu primesti nici un mail de confirmare,se mai poate incerca. Daca nu reusiti sa descarcati de pe site, puteti incerca aici: PS In cazul in care cineva ar primi e-mail de confirmare a contului (user + parola) si ar putea sa il posteze,ar fi minunat, deoarece fara acestea softul nu poate fi folosit, iar utilizarea in paralel a mai multor softuri pe acelasi cont nu constituie o problema.
1.primu pas: microsoft sql server 2000: 

click aici si dupa aceea click pe sql server 2000: extrage1.Primu pas: Downloadeaza Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Click aici si dupa aceea click pe -Instaleaza SQL Server 2000: Extrage SQLEVAL.exe. -Executa Setup.exe si apasa Next de 8 ori. -O sa vezi o fereastra care se numeste Services Accounts. -In Service Settings seteaza Use the Local System Account. -Apasa Next si o sa vezi Authentication Mode window. -Seteaza Mixed Mode(Windows Authentication and SQL server Authentication) si asigura-te ca ai setat o parola. -parola o sa fie parola de la userul sa, si o sa ai nevoie de ea mai departe in instalarea serverului. -Dupa apasa NEXT si continua instalarea. 2.Pasul 2: Downloadeaza Muserver La MuServer este acolo server files ! Indicatii: - Dezarhivati MuServer.rar in partitia D:/ 3.Pasul 3: -Modifcati urmatoarele linkuri si notepaduri cu ip-urile voastre DE NET : -D:MuServerCSConnectserverlist.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerCSdataConnectserverlist.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerCSdataServerInfo.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerCSdataServerList.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET = Right CLick, Properties, inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET = Right CLick, Properties, inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerdatacommonserver.cfg = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerdataIpList.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET -D:MuServerdatalangchscommonloc.dat = inlocuieste cu IP tau DE NET 4.Pasul 4:: -Dati restore la baza de date. Indicatii: -Dute in Start/All Programs/Microsoft SQL Server/Enterprise Manager -Click dreapta pe Database si selecteaza New Database... -La Name scri MuOnline si dai OK -Click dreapta pe muonline care se afla in folderu Database selecteaza All Tasks / Restore Database... -Selectati From device si dati Select devices -Apasati pe Add -Selectati fishieru MuOnline care se afla in D:MuServerdb baksMuOnline.bak (in imaginea acesta nu este detaliat bine dar k idee sa va orientati) -Dupa ce ati ales MuOnline dati OK apoi selectati Options -Bifati Force restoreover existing database -Dati Ok si inca o data OK IMPORTANT REPETATI ACESTE OPERATII INCEPAND DE LA CREAREA BAZEI DE DATE MUONLINE SI CREATI ALTE 2 DATABASE CU NUMELE: Ranking (faceti acelashi lucru k si la muonline numai k in loc k din D:MuServerdb baksMuOnline.bak sa selecatit MuOnline.bak selectati D:MuServerdb baksRanking.bak ExDB (a doua database pe care o creati dar pe asta o lasati asha simpla fara nimik DOAR O CREATI SI ATAT -Dupa aceea va duceti in folderu Security si dati click dreapta pe Login si selectati New Login... -Dati click pe cele trei puncte ... -Aici e putin mai complicat Selectati Administrator dak nu aveti Useru IUSR_MU dak aveti useru IUSR_MU e perfect dati ADD si apoi OK -Selectari muonline si English unde va arata sagetile -Selectati Server Roles si bifati Sistem Administrators -Selectati Database Access si bifati muonline si public Acum duceti-va in Start / Search si cautati ODCB si o sa va gaseasca mai multe chesti dar porniti doar odbc32.exe -Dupa ce lati pornit duceti-va la System DNS si dati ADD -La Name scrieti MuOnline si la Server selectati singura chestie care e acolo si apoi dati next -Bifati Change the default database to si selectati muonline si dati Next pana la sfarshit apoi la sfarshit dati OK 5.Pasul 5:: -Creati Launcher-ul pentru serveru vostru! Dati click aici pentru a downloada programu pt facut Launcher INDICATII: -Dezarhivati Builder.rar oriunde porniti Builder.exe -Jos de tot aveti Server name/IP si va puneti ip vostru -Iar langa server name/IP aveti port care de cele mai multe ori este 55901 6.Pasul 6:: -Download-ati clientul 97d ! 7.Pasul 7: -Copiati Launcher-ul vostru in clientrul 97d -Acum download de aici programu cu care sa iti fac cont , iti creezi un cont si dupaia .... 8.Pasul 8: -Porniti serveru cu Mu Server Start Up il gatiti in D:MuServer -Dar inainte sa il executati deschidetzi StartUp din D:MuServer si il configurati in felu urmator: v0v=dataserver1 v1v=DataServer2 v2v=connectserver v3v=JoinServer v4v=EVENT_SERVER v5v=RankingServer v6v=ExDB v7v=GameServer v0v=DataServer1 v1v=DataServer2 v2v=CS v3v=JoinServer v4v=MU2003_EVENT_SERVER v5v=RankingServer v6v=ExDB v7v=GameServer v0v=dataserver.exe v1v=dataserver.exe v2v=CS.exe v3v=JoinServer.exe v4v=WZ_MU2003_EVENT_SERVER.exe v5v=DevilSqure_EventServer.EXE v6v=Exdb.EXE v7v=GameServer.EXE v0v=55960 v1v=55962 v2v= v3v=/p55970 /ca:IP-UL TAU: /cp55557 v4v= v5v= v6v= v7v=:IP-UL TAU: 55970 :IP-UL TAU: 55960 55901 v0v=750 v1v=2000 v2v=3000 v3v=5000 v4v=4000 v5v=4000 v6v=2000 v7v=4000 v0v=NO v1v=NO v2v=YES v3v=NO v4v=NO v5v=NO v6v=NO v7v=NO ipadd= IP-UL TAU - Salvezi / pornesti serveru / intri in joc cu Launcher-ul creat de voi ! FINISH ! ->MUHAHA<- Fain nu ?

va vine sa credeti sau nu, dar modelul din imagini e opera unui student de 15 coreean ce studiaza inVa vine sa credeti sau nu, dar modelul din imagini e opera unui student de 15 coreean ce studiaza in Canada. Modelul se numeste Butterfly, si este un slider orizantal, un [pic mai diferit fata de mocelele conventionale ce se misca pe verticala. Majoritatea va spune ca este un rival pentru iPhone, si mai mult ca sigur ca ar fi daca ar fi fost desenat de echipa de design al unei mari companii, dar pentru ca este un designer din afara firmei va ramane doar la stadiul de concept. Butterfly vine cu un ecran touchscreen AMOLED de 3.5 inch, camera si restul caracteristicilor de pe telefoanele din prezent. Dupa parerea mea acest concept phone e mai aratos decat iPhone sau LG Prada dar din pacate va ramane doar pe “hartie”.
four college buddies find themselves on the adventure of their lives, when on the morning after aFour college buddies find themselves on the adventure of their lives, when on the morning after a Las Vegas bachelor party, they end up stranded deep in Mexico penniless, being chased, falling in love, and fighting to make it back across the border in time for the wedding. Rapidshare:
patch 16:


patch 17: 

patch 18:

patch limba romana   css [direct links!] + patch limba Patch 16: Patch 17: Patch 18: Textures: Patch Limba ROmana
video codec: bitrate: 933 kbps
audio codec: ac3 bitrate: 192 ratio.: 640 x 352
frame rate.: 23.976Video Codec: XviD-1.2.1 Video Bitrate: 933 kbps Audio Codec: AC3 stereo Audio Bitrate: 192 kbps Aspect Ratio.: 1.81:1 Resolution.: 640 x 352 Frame Rate.: 23.976 fps Genre: Comedy Runtime: 86 mins RAR Count: 50×15 Audio Language.: English Subtitles: N/A DVD Date.: 01.20.2009 Release Date.: 01.15.2009